Communities need trusted partners to safeguard today and build a stronger tomorrow — here are a few examples of how we’ve done it in the past.
Kingfisher Flood Mitigation and Land Acquisition
Tulsa's Tupelo Creek Flood Mitigation and Grant Management
Little River Drainage Improvements and Redevelopment
On-Call Stormwater and Drainage Services
Fire Hydrant Inspection GIS Application
Triple X Road Grant Application and Implementation
Roadway Engineering and Program Management
51st & Garnett Intersection Improvements
71st & Union Intersection Improvements
North Kickapoo Avenue Road Widening Land Acquisition
Water 2040 Program Water Main Realignment
SH-7 in Atoka County ODOT Acquisition and Relocations
Debris Management Solution
STAR Center Site Development
Neighborhood Drainage Analysis
SH-33 ODOT Paving Improvements
May 2019 Flood: Arkansas River Floodplain Analysis
Sheffield Crossing Surveys
The projects highlighted online represent a fraction of Meshek’s more than 35 years of experience.
Contacts us to learn more about Meshek & Associates and how we customize solutions to for our partners’ needs.