Better Mapping of Local Flooding – Woodward Master Drainage Plan
City of Woodward, Oklahoma
The City of Woodward, Oklahoma had a Zone AO shallow flooding zone mapped by FEMA in their downtown district. This impacted development in the vital downtown corridor; it also didn’t give the locals sufficient information to understand the extent and severity of their flood risks.
Woodward partnered with Meshek to better model and map the nature of their flood risks. Because the downtown area is not subject to traditional channel-based flooding, the water flows in many directions at once. This made it an ideal scenario for 2D modeling.
Work for the Woodward Master Drainage Plan included:
Performing a field survey to collect structures and flow line information.
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling using 2D methods to analyze the shallow flooding in downtown. The City obtained a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) based on this study.
Updating floodplain mapping citywide. This gave the City an improved tool for floodplain regulation.
Developing a database of flood-risk properties (including finished floor elevations, property type, and value) to perform an economic analysis of the impacts of flooding.
Developing alternatives to increase the existing channel capacities and reduce the extent of flooding.
Designing and developing construction plans for a proposed detention facility (since built). This included a breach analysis for hazard classification using PMP and PMF techniques, and updated inundation mapping based on future conditions.
Assisting the City with the preparation and implementation of a stormwater utility fee to fund their stormwater utility program.